Medicare is a good start to maintaining health care coverage, but it’s just a start. MAP can help you sort through dozens of supplemental coverage plans. Below you’ll find a number of resources to help you make the right call.

I am turning 65 and going on Medicare. What do I need to know about Medicare supplement insurance?

Buying Medicare supplement insurance is a way to protect yourself from some of the costs not covered by Medicare. It is also called “Medigap” or “Med Supp” insurance. There are 10 standardized Medicare supplement plans identified by the letters “A” through “N.” Plan F is also available as high deductible plans. The benefits in each plan are identical from company to company. SHIP has a free guide that explains Medicare supplement insurance.

My wife is 62 and needs insurance. I am retired and on Medicare. What are my wife’s health insurance options until she turns 65 and is eligible for Medicare?

COBRA, Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, will provide insurance for up to 36 months for the spouse and or children of an employee who has become eligible for Medicare. Any questions or problems should be directed to the regional office of the U.S. Department of Labor toll free at (866) 444-3272. SHIP also has a brochure on COBRA which is available upon request.

She may also go through the Healthcare Marketplace by calling (800) 318-2596 or visiting The Marketplace has enrollment periods, similar to Medicare, in which people can enroll.

Can those who have Medicare because of disability buy a Medicare supplement plan?

All companies that sell Medicare supplement plans to 65 and over must sell at least a Plan A to those under age 65 during their Medigap Open Enrollment Period.


TRICARE For Life (TFL) is TRICARES’s Medicare-wraparound coverage available to all Medicare-eligible TRICARE beneficiaries, regardless of age, provided they have Medicare Parts A and B.

Learn more about your requirements for Medicare.

While Medicare is your primary insurance, TRICARE acts as your secondary payer minimizing your out-of-pocket expenses. TRICARE benefits include covering Medicare’s coinsurance and deductible.