It is very important to report your damage even if you are not filing an insurance claim! It helps determine federal aid and helps local and state emergency managers better coordinate response and recovery efforts. Citizens can report damage to homes, businesses and agriculture.
There's been a disaster - what should I do now?
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners has prepared a guide to help navigate next steps after a natural disaster.

Tetanus Shots for El Reno Storm Victims
Lose Your Prescriptions
in the Storms?
See #4 in this Bulletin
Your insurance cannot be cancelled for the next 30 days. A bulletin issued by Insurance Commissioner Glen Mulready on May 24, 2019 to all insurance companies directs them to keep coverage in effect for storm victims for the next 30 days. This applies to Oklahomans who have insurance residing in the affected zip codes.
The bulletin addresses health maintenance organizations, accident and health insurers, third party administrators, discount medical plan organizations, property and casualty insurers, surplus and excess lines insurers and county mutual insurers. It includes property and casualty insurance, life insurance, accident and health insurance, disability insurance and all lines of coverage regulated by the Oklahoma Insurance Department.
Some key points of the bulletin are:
- All coverage for storm victims shall continue under all insurance policies for the next 30 days.
- Storms victims can get a copy of their insurance policy free of charge.
- Any rate increases for policies in the affected areas filed on or after the effective date of the bulletin will be deferred.
For more details, read the bulletin. If you have questions, call the Oklahoma Insurance Department at 800-522-0071.