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Pack Your Go-Bag

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Do you have a go-bag ready in case of emergencies? It should include the essentials, like a flashlight, a battery-powered radio, food, water, important documents and insurance information. Pack yours before the storm hits. #GetReadyOK

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Create Your Home Inventory

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A detailed inventory of your property can make filing insurance claims after disasters faster and easier. Create or update yours today: oid.ok.gov/home-inventory #GetReadyOK

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Clean Your Shelter

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With severe weather season here, it’s a good idea to take the time to clean your storm shelter before disasters hit. Make sure you have plenty of space for you and your family, and check for pests. #GetReadyOK

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The Cost of Floods

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Did you know that just 1 inch of water can cause $25,000 of damage to your home? Flood damage is not covered by a standard homeowners policy. Learn more at oid.ok.gov/floods. #GetReadyOK

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Turn Around, Don't Drown

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Did you know that 6 inches of water can make a vehicle lose control? Don’t risk driving through water on a roadway. Turn around, don’t drown! #GetReadyOK

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Report Damage

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Reporting damage is important, even if you’re not filing an insurance claim. It helps determine federal aid and help with recovery efforts. Find out how to file your damage report: oid.ok.gov/reporting-damage. #GetReadyOK

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Have a Plan

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When disasters strike, having a detailed plan can save your life. Prepare for different disasters by creating a disaster safety plan and practicing it. Find out more at www.ready.gov/plan. #GetReadyOK

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Emergency Notifications

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Emergency notifications relay important information from local officials. Check your device settings to make sure you have them enabled, or check your user manual to find out how. If you’re not receiving these alerts, check out these tips: ready.gov/alerts #GetReadyOK

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