Self-Study Online – Asynchronous/non-contact program of study where activities and information are delivered in a recorded, streaming, or multimedia format that concludes with an examination/assessment.  Course may alternatively require frequent interaction with courseware as a condition of progressing through the course material, with chapter/section quizzes providing continuous feedback on learning.

Key Elements:

  • Material that is current, relevant and accurate, and includes valid references.
  • Clearly defined objectives and course completion criteria.
  • Specific instructions to register, navigate and complete the coursework.
  • Clearly express the deadline for the student to submit final assessment (prior to course expiration date).
  • Technical support or provider representative available during business hours and response provided within 24 hours of initial contact.
  • A process to authenticate student identity and verify their National Producer Number.
  • A method for measuring the student’s successful completion of course which includes review questions and final exam.
  • A process for requesting and receiving CE course completion certificates and reporting student results.
  • Require student to enroll for the course before having access to course material.
  • Prevent downloading of any course exam material.
  • Provide review questions at the end of each unit/chapter and prevent access to the final exam until each set of questions are answered at 70% pass rate.
  • Prevent alternately accessing course materials and course exams.


Final Assessment:

Minimum of 25 questions for courses of 4 hours or less; score of 70% or greater.
Minimum of 50 questions for courses of 5 hours or more; score of 70% or greater.
At least enough questions to fashion a minimum of 2 versions with at least 50% of questions being new/different in each subsequent version.
Electronic verification of student identity at the time an online exam is taken.
Final Exam Questions should not be the same as review or interactive questions.

NAIC Word Count Methodology to calculate the number of credit hours:


  1. The documented average reading time is 180
  2. One hour of credit equals 50 minutes of instruction
  3. Difficulty Level value:    Basic = 1.00        Intermediate = 1.25        Advanced = 1.50
  4. One additional hour of credit may be added for exam completion

(Total Number of Words ÷ 180) ÷ 50) x Difficulty Level = Requested CE Credit Hours

Self-Study Correspondence – Asynchronous/non-contact program of study where activities or information are delivered outside of real time (recorded or otherwise similarly accessible) and available at any time, such as but not limited to correspondence, online training, video, audio, CD, or DVD.  Student attendance is verified based on identity and successful completion of knowledge assessments or an examination.  Self-study courses do not require interaction with instructors.

Key Elements:

  • Material that is current, relevant and accurate, and includes valid references.
  • Clearly defined objectives and course completion criteria.
  • Specific instructions to register, navigate and complete the coursework.
  • Clearly express the deadline for the student to submit final assessment (prior to course expiration date).
  • Technical support or provider representative available during business hours and response provided within 24 hours of initial contact.
  • A process to authenticate student identity and verify their National Producer Number.
  • A method for measuring the student’s successful completion of course which includes a final exam.
  • A process for requesting and receiving CE course completion certificates and reporting students results.
  • Require student to enroll for the course before having access to course material.
  • Prevent downloading of any course exam material.
  • Prevent alternately accessing course materials and course exams.

Final Assessment:

Minimum of 25 questions for courses of 4 hours or less; score of 70% or greater.
Minimum of 50 questions for courses of 5 hours or more; score of 70% or greater.
At least enough questions to fashion a minimum of 2 versions with at least 50% of questions being new/different in each subsequent version.
Electronic verification of identity at the time an online exam is taken.
Final Exam Questions should not be the same as review or interactive questions.


  1. The documented average reading time is 180
  2. One hour of credit equals 50 minutes of instruction
  3. Difficulty Level value:    Basic = 1.00        Intermediate = 1.25        Advanced = 1.50
  4. One additional hour of credit may be added for exam completion

(Total Number of Words ÷ 180) ÷ 50) x Difficulty Level = Requested CE Credit Hours

Classroom Course – Synchronous/contact program of study where course activities or information occur in real time at a specific time, date and place, and delivered in person.  Student attendance is based on personally identifiable information and student participation or interaction with course activities.

Key Elements:

  • Material that is current, relevant and accurate, and includes valid references.
  • Clearly defined objectives and course completion criteria.
  • Specific instructions to register for course.
  • A process to authenticate student identity and verify their National Producer Number.
  • A process for requesting and receiving CE course completion certificates and reporting student results.
  • Require student to enroll for the course before having access to course material.
  • Require student to interact during the class and avoid distractions such as cell phones, newspapers and tablets.
  • Attendance for the entire class is necessary to obtain credit, there is no partial credit.

Video (Recorded) – Asynchronous/non-contact program of study featuring the exchange of information via internet, video, audio, CD or DVD.  Student attendance is verified based on identity and using an approved method of tracking participation.

Key Elements:

  • Material that is current, relevant and accurate, and includes valid references.
  • Clearly defined objectives and course completion criteria.
  • Specific instructions to register, navigate and complete the coursework.
  • Technical support or provider representative available during business hours and response provided within 24 hours of initial contact.
  • A process to authenticate student identity and verify their National Producer Number.
  • A process for requesting and receiving CE course-completion certificates and reporting student results.
  • Require student to enroll for the course before having access to course material.

Track Participation:

Use one of the following methods to track participation.

Method 1:  The course must include polling questions imbedded in the presentation. The provider must receive and verify accurate documentation of responses from the student before reporting satisfactory completion of the course to the Department. There must be two polling questions for every hour of credit.

Method 2: The course must be monitored by a disinterested third party/proctor. Permissible proctors include Human Resources Director, librarians, CPA’s, or Attorney’s.

Webinar (Live or Contact Recording) – Synchronous/contact program of study where course activities or information occur in real-time and are instructor-led, delivered using the Internet to remote attendees, with a specific start time and end time, in which students enroll before gaining access to the instructor, information, and course activities.  Student attendance is monitored and validated based on personally identifiable information and student participation in interactive exercises is required.  Student attendance is verified based on identity and using an approved method of tracking participation.

Key Elements:

  • A webinar may be live or recorded. A recorded webinar will continue to be considered a webinar program only where a live subject-matter expert facilitates the recorded presentation in real time.  Recorded presentations should be scheduled with a specific start and end time and satisfy the other applicable attendance guidelines.
  • Material that is current, relevant and accurate, and includes valid reference materials.
  • Clearly defined objectives and course completion criteria.
  • Specific instructions to register, navigate and complete the coursework.
  • Technical support or provider representative available during business hours and response provided within 24 hours of initial contact.
  • A process to authenticate student identity and verify their National Producer Number.
  • A process for requesting and receiving CE course-completion certificates and reporting student results.
  • Require student to enroll for the course before having access to course material.
  • Provider will maintain an electronic roster to include records for each participant’s log-in/log-out times, chat history and polling responses should be captured as part of the electronic records.
  • When a student is found to be inactive, or not fully participating, in the course by the course montior for failure to enter appropriate polling question responses, verfication codes, or other inactivity, credit for the course must be denied.
  • Students in all locations must be able to interact in real time with the instructor. Students should be able to submit questions and/or concerns at any point during the webinar session.
  • Course pace must be set by the instructor and must not allow for independent completion.

Track Participation:

Use one of the following methods to track participation:

Method 1:  The course must include polling questions imbedded in the presentation. The provider must receive and verify accurate documentation of responses from the student before reporting satisfactory completion of the course to the Department. There must be two polling questions for every hour of CE credit.

Method 2:  The video or recording must be monitored by a disinterested third party (proctor). Acceptable proctors would include Human Resources Director or Manager, librarians, CPA’s, Attorney’s or other licensed individuals.

Method 3:  A provider representative, using computer-based video/web conferencing applications, will track the attendee’s participation throughout the entire course or utilize the applications attention tracking system.  Provider must document the student’s active participation throughout the course.