It is Important to Just Drive, OK
Texting, talking, using a map – basically anything other than driving – is dangerous because it takes your attention away from the road. 25 percent of all accidents involve drivers who use a cell phone – accidents can result in serious, lifelong injuries and death. It is time to put the phone down and
Just Drive.
Distracted Driving is Dangerous
Teens were the largest age group reported as distracted at the time of fatal crashes.2 According to the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office, crashes involving a driver distracted by an electronic device were highest among drivers 16 – 25. 3
For all Oklahoma drivers, the law prohibits texting while driving. A texting or cell phone violation could also lead to a reckless driving conviction. If one of these violations results in the death of another person, vehicular homicide charges are a possibility. Officers can also give you a ticket with a possible fine of $100 for texting and driving. 4
Avoid Driving Distracted
Tips for manual distractions
-Keep your phone out of reach
-Make all adjustments before driving
-Don’t reach for items while driving
Tips for visual distractions
-Keep your eyes on the road
-Pull over to read directions
-Put your phone in “Do Not Disturb” mode
Tips for cognitive distractions
-Avoid phone calls, even hands-free
-Stay focused on the road
-Keep your emotions in check
Be a part of the solution!
Not only can you take the pledge to #JustDriveOK, you can be an influencer. Ask your friends to take the pledge, and share your decision on social media. Also, when you see a friend driving while distracted, speak up.
Lead by example by never driving distracted. Also, talk to your young driver about distractions and all the responsibilities that come with driving.
Spread the word at your school about the dangers of distracted driving. Don’t forget that your students are watching you.
Enter your name and high school for a chance to win our pledge contest.
The school with the most pledges wins!
Click here for official contest rules
12012 AT&T Teen Texting-and-Driving study
2September 2016 Traffic Safety Facts, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
3 2016 Distracted Drivers in Crashes-Electronic Devices, Oklahoma Highway Safety Office
42016 State of Oklahoma Highway Safety Office